Frances Marquez is a lifelong resident of Orange County with decades of experience serving our community as a Cypress City Councilmember, policy director, and college professor. Throughout Frances' career in public service, she has helped create more opportunities for students, working families, small businesses, veterans, and seniors.

She's running for Orange County Supervisor to bring much-needed accountability and oversight to county government and ensure a high quality delivery of services to the communities that need them most.

Standing Up for Orange County's Taxpayers

Frances Marquez was one of the first elected officials to publicly call out Supervisor Andrew Do's allegations of corruption. Since then, she has spoken out again and again calling for transparency and accountability.

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Track Record of Fighting for What's Right

As a Cypress City Councilmember, Frances Marquez has built a reputation as a watchdog for taxpayers, demanding transparency before voting on spending even in the face of intimidation.

  • The only Councilmember who voted against a 15-year trash contract extension that increased rates on residents by 32% and stopped a rate hike during the pandemic

  • Halted the building of a trash transfer and a garbage truck fueling station near an elementary school

  • Fought to make it easier for residents to access campaign finance disclosures and participate in city council meetings

  • Advocated for residents and called for the City of Cypress to stop dumping large amounts of trash at its public works yard

  • Supported the switch to district-based elections by rejecting the city of Cypress' year-long fight against the transition, which cost taxpayers over $1 million

Get the Facts About Janet Nguyen's Record

The last time Janet Nguyen was Supervisor, she was investigated REPEATEDLY for ethics and corruption violations

L.A. Times, “Federal Task Force to Investigate Corruption in Orange County”, July 26, 2013; A Call for Ethical Standards: Corruption in Orange County, 2012-2013 Orange County Grand Jury Report, 4/15/13; CalOptima Burns While Majority of Supervisors Fiddle, 2012-2013 Orange County Grand Jury Report, 4/15/13

An Orange County Grand Jury referred to Janet Nguyen as part of a “hotbed of corruption, conflict of interest and abuse of authority”

A Call for Ethical Standards: Corruption in Orange County, 2012-2013 Orange County Grand Jury Report, 4/15/13

Janet Nguyen used campaign funds that were investigated by the FBI for money laundering

FPPC Case Number 14/376; Voice of OC, “State Watchdog Investigating Nguyen Campaign Donors,” 10/17/14.; Orange County Register, “FPPC: Evidence of money laundering by Janet Nguyen’s 2012 donors,” 10/24/14.

Janet Nguyen solicited campaign funds from a loan shark

OC Weekly,Police-Tied Little Saigon Loan Shark Hoping To Escape Prison At Sentencing Hearing,” 9/14/14.

Janet Nguyen was fined $5,000.00 for illegal use of campaign funds

Orange County Register, “Janet Nguyen fined by FPPC,” 12/03/07.

Janet Nguyen twice voted down efforts to root out government corruption

Orange County Register, “Board of Supervisors Rejects Ethics Oversight Proposal Again,” September 16, 2014.

The last time JANET NGUYEN was an Orange County Supervisor, she voted down government transparency measures TWICE.

In 2013, a Grand Jury released a blistering report highlighting a "hotbed of corruption, conflict of interest and abuse of authority" involving County Supervisors.

When Janet Nguyen had the chance to start an independent ethics commission to stop corruption, SHE VOTED NO.

Voice of OC, "Supervisors Officially Reject Grand Jury Report and Ethics Panel," 6/26/13; A Call for Ethical Standards: Corruption in Orange County, 2012-2013 Orange County Grand Jury Report, 4/15/13